What is 6 Sigma
”Sigma" is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. The central idea behind 6 Sigma is that if you can measure how many "defects" you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to "zero defects" as possible. The 6 Sigma methodology incorporates this data and statistical analysis into a project-based workflow that allows businesses to make intelligent decisions about where and how to incorporate improvements.

The DMAIC Model
At the heart of 6 Sigma is a systematic method for analyzing and improving business process called DMAIC. The DMAIC model includes:

 Define opportunities
 Measure performance
 Analyze opportunity
 Improve performance
 Control performance

It is therefore a highly disciplined methodology and practice that provides the tools for a company to achieve consistent, high-performance results from its products and processes. It also has the advantage of utilizing only one methodology which comprises all previous approaches and which can be extended to the entire organization (Quality Insurance, Total Quality Management, Deming Wheel, Zero Defects, Seven Wastages, Quality Circles, Kaizen, Lean Production, etc.)

Why Finmek adopts 6 Sigma strategy?

In order to remain a world-class quality company one focuses on three key qualities: process, customer and employee. 6 Sigma, indeed, is a methodology adopted for this purposes.
  · It activates such mechanisms that organizations can continuously and rapidly adequate themselves to changes
  · it is a programme which promotes an organizational customer-oriented change, aiming to the customer satisfaction at lowest costs
  · It approaches solving problems and waste reduction. It may be applied to the production processes as well as the management ones (purchase, engineering, sells, administration, etc)
  · It is a discipline which furthers staff participation enhancing their expertise and responsibility.

The characteristics features of 6 Sigma strategy

Top Management Involvement
Top Management commitment is an essential requirement for the programme's outcome; it should support projects, assign resources and priorities, monitor development and quantify the result
Firm/Market Interaction
Process criticalities and follow up priorities are fixed according to the customer requirements' analysis
Economical benefits
The systematic reduction of defects, wastes, cycle time, inefficiencies, activities without added value, has a relevant impact on profits and returns of investments
Involvement of the Whole Firm
Six Sigma is a methodology applicable to all firm divisions and processes and can produce maximum benefits in the inter-functional processes
An essential element for the programme is the methodological education of involved staff to be gradually extended to the entire firm
The programme implies close communication between firm and suppliers and the involvement of the major ones in "Comakership"
Progresses, performances, criticalities, customer satisfaction are constantly monitored and checked through proper indicators (markers)

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